Comment you that tomorrow will be able to us view at the parade of the morning that commences at the 11.45.
It Will the following route:
- Square of the Neus.
- Rambla principal.
- Miguel de Cervantes.
- Sant Gervasi.
- Square of the Vila.
After the proclamation and the launch of the 12 rockets, will realise the greeting of the dance of the Cotonines and realised another parade that has the following route:
- Square of the Vila.
- Street Captuxins.
- Square of the Cols.
They take part:
- Mulasses from Vilanova and the Geltrú.
- Vilanova’s small giants.
- Group of Cotonines.
- Mula Guita from the Geltrú.
- Group from Saint Antoni and the evil from Vilanova.
- Group the still from the Geltrú.
- Moixiganga from the Geltrú.
- Group the still from Igualada.