Fixed performances

Greater party of Winter


This celebration does  normalmente the Sunday before Saint Antoni Pull down that  the day 17 of January.

It does  a small cercavila that finalises to the square of Saint Antoni.

Normalmente Take part  the Dragon of Vilanova, the Mulassa Crazy, the Mulassa Boasted, the Small Giants of Vilanova, the Guita of the Geltrú, the Dance of Cotonines of Vilanova and the Geltrú, the Group of Dance and the Moixiganga of the Geltrú.

 Step of cardboard

Step of cardboard


Sunday of Bouquets

Figure of the Nazareth

Figure of the Nazareth


It acts  the Sunday that begins the Saint Week.

This consider it one of the big staged of the Moixiganga of the Geltrú, since we act in the church.

It does  a very fast performance and very precise.

And it is how the paramount start of the season of performances.


Procession of Corpus


This performance you a special charm.

All the neighbourhood of the Geltrú fills of carpets of flowers.

Actualmente Some are formed of flowers and serradures of colours.

A worthy procession to see.

Step of coixinet

Step of coixinet


Greater party of Vilanova

Figure of the Ordeal

Figure of the Ordeal


This performance features of two consecutive days of exits.

The first exit is the 4 of August where does  a cercavila since the square of the barracks until the square of the city council.

The day 5 do  the following exits: mornings, exit of job, exhibition of dances and the exit of the vote of the village that finalises to the square of the Snows with a castle of fires to the finalise.


Greater party of the Geltrú


This is the Greater Party of what it Moixiganga in shape part of his name.

You Will be able to enjoy all the dances that form part of the Geltrú and some of Vilanova.

It does  in the neighbourhood of the Geltrú.




Procession of Saint Gertrudis

Figure of Soletat of Maria

Figure of Soletat of Maria


This exit is the last that do in the year.

It happens  for the neighbourhood of the Geltrú and takes out the figure of Saint Gertrudis.

And in addition it is a very beautiful exit why does  at night and bring ciris.