Exhibition of the 25 Anniversary of the Moixiganga
This Saturday will be able to enjoy one of the most expected acts of all those that do of our 25 anniversary.
The cercavila and exhibition will count with the participation of the gang invited Contradanza of Cetina.
It has difference of our Moixiganga that have to Crist as a central figure, the Contradanza of Cetina has to the Devil.
Formada per 8 integrants que porten unes torxes gegantes i el diable, realitzaran unes figures espectaculars anomenades mudances.
The Contradanza of Cetina is declared well of cultural interest and only dances in special events.
No you lose it to you!
To the 22:30h will begin to Neus’s Square.
Us deixem un enllaç de l’esdeveniment -> link
Also more information to the website of the Greater Party of Vilanova and the Geltrú -> more info